Males of the subspecies-Capra sibirica sakeen, which lives in the Pamirs, as a rule, have a dark brown, almost black color of the upper body. The head, neck, upper back, and sides with the forelimbs are brown, the bones of the forelimbs and hind limbs have black hair bands, and...
Wild Boar
The middle mountains of southern Tajikistan, with dense shrubby vegetation and a large number of wild fruit trees (mulberry, pear, blackthorn, apple, hawthorn, walnut) provide an excellent habitat for wild boars. Since the locals rarely hunt this species, many huge animals can be found in the area. Usually the canines...
Mountain sheep Marco Polo
The Marco Polo mountain sheep (Ovis ammon polii) is the largest of the argali subspecies. This species of sheep lives in the mountainous and foothill areas of Central Asia at an altitude of 1300-6100 m. The sheep's legs are tall and slender, which, along with the spiral shape of their...